Archive for 2012

Miami Heat Strikes The Oklahoma City Thunders

Friday, June 15, 2012

At last the game two of the NBA finals is about to start and the Oklahoma City Thunders are leading the series 1-0 against the Miami Heat. And all critics expect that all the home court teams could have the big chance and also the hug advantage on getting the bacon of this best of 7 series. But that was only a hunch for them since there are a lot of possibilities that a game could either turn things around for a team who would lose their momentum specially at the last quarter.© 2012

We all know #1 Chris Bosh returned after the severe injury that he has suffered past from the playoffs, but that would change later then when he finally recovered at exactly at the right time and at the right moment when they mostly needed him badly. Since no one could ever replace his spot as the brick wall of the Miami Heat.

Now we know that the team Oklahoma could even up with the Heat, but what they don’t suspect is that Lebron James and Dwyane Wade were gonna outsmart the team Thunders this game 2 by simply being aggressive at all time. And when I mean aggressive I mean totally doing their tight defense against their opponent and taking big shots and intense effort in rebounding as well.© 2012

This battle was totally intense since from the start of the first quarter all the crowds went wild expecting the team Heat to lose their confidence plus their patience which could lead them to their disaster this second game. But that was about to change, since Lebron James is expecting his other members to also do big shots and specially offensive rebounds in order to attain a big lead that would continue until the final buzzer of the last quarter

But this was nothing new to the underdog team Thunders since they always want to catch up whenever they are losing, and all the shots were expected to be made by non other than Kevin Durant who was a candidate too of being titled as the MVP but was inches away taken by #6 Lebron James of the Miami Heat.© 2012

Every team members of both team who plays on the court tries their best to outscore of even tries their best to tie up the scores and take the win this game two. Anything could happen actually as long as a players hand is hot and aggressive and also has the will to shoot a big one that could take the big lead and win this game two. Miami Heat and Oklahoma City Thunder faces for the first time at the NBA Finals.

And everybody expects a great fight. And its true, since all players did not become lazy in rebounding, stealing, assisting, and even scoring a point. Everybody was fast and also grabbing the moment to become a champion. The scores were always close to each other but that was about to change when #30 Norris Cole tries to score a point with a floater that is being tried to be ejected by #2 Thabo Sefalosha which was an outstanding defense by the team Thunders.© 2012

And as the scores are getting bad for the team Thunders to see. It was time for the outstanding young age players Like James Harden, Russell Westbrook, and Kevin Durant to play like they have never played before. And since this was their first time to go and play at the finals they spark and are trying to do their best just to cut the lead to a very close one. And as every quarter Ends these three players believe in their selves that they could still win this by simply being patient on the court in scoring a point.

And again nobody knows what could still happen since 12 minutes every quarter was still anyone's game and anyone’s moment to shine and outshine the other opponent. The crowds cheer for their home court team expecting to win this second game encouraging them and specially kicking the road team to their home court and still defeat them when the team Thunders are at the road versus the team Heat.© 2012

And as the strategy was about to be working for the team Thunders to cut the lead to a closer one #3 Dwyane Wade was about to give a dunk that surprises the team Thunders. Since the Heat could out burst at any moment and at any time, and that was done none other than the former MVP was doing right now at the third quarter trying to make the lead for the opponent to catch up into a bigger one.

Dwyane Wade brings the hot stuff to this home court team with an outstanding performance. Some reporters says that he was like coming back to the NBA finals like when he was with his former team mate The Big Shaq that whenever they are trying to lose their momentum he would be there striking and dashing at every corner just to bring back what they have lost.© 2012

The annual problem for the team Thunders is that they have to catch up 15 points against the team Heat. And as the fourth quarter starts Russell Westbrook gives a dashing fast layup that had outsmarted the Heat’s defense. Westbrook was trying to be at the same level with the Heat by simply outsmarting them and also bypassing the defenses that the team Heat are planning to give them.

And since we all know he is still trying to improve as a point guard he now faces his instincts and tries to be an aggressive point guard like the fiercely John Stockton or even Steve Nash who were now veterans of the game or even a Hall of Famer. He knows that they could still catch up as long as his team wont think negative that they would lose this round.© 2012

The scores are getting closer as the minutes would pass. But #1 Chris Bosh would not agree to that situation since he wants to win this round and take the home court advantage and wins the series as the NBA Champion. He made a BIG dunk that was powerful for the team Thunders to defend, that’s why they let him go and score a big one when they needed it the most. It was the turning point for the team Thunders since even if they do their best at the lest dying seconds of the game the brick wall Chris Bosh was their to disagree on their plans to win and take the lead this series.

He was so hot at the fourth quarter that no other guard of the opposing team could bypass his defense specially when it comes to the offensive rebounds. He attempts to do his part every time he steps on the court just for them to win this second round. Since he wants to taste for the very first time his championship ring in his basketball career.© 2012

#35 Kevin Durant was about to answer the negativity that his team mates were saying since they think that it was the time to give up and let the other team win this round. But he refuses to give up since he knows that they could still win this as long as they keep passing the final shots to him. And surprisingly all the shots were passed onto him and were all successful. His three points at the dying seconds thought was the moment for them to turn the tables around against their rival.© 2012

But I guess it was too much for them to handle this scenario. Since every Heat players played their best to defend the rim, #0 Russell Westbrook tries to make a big three but failed through the intense defense that he was bypassing against the team Heat. And again Miami Heat won this round with a score of 100-96 tying up the series 1-1. Now was the time for team Thunders to panic since the upcoming 3 games would be held the home court of the opposing team.

Now if the Thunders would not try their best in later coming rounds then the Miami Heat could possibly be the NBA Champions this 2012 series. But then again turning tables by both teams could still happen as long as a dagger shot could be attempted by either of the two. So its still anyone’s game and anyone’s crown. So for now lets watch, enjoy and dream BIG for the upcoming NBA Finals.

Manny Pacquiao Being Tested By God?

Sunday, June 10, 2012

We all know that Manny Pacquiao versus Timothy Bradley could be an easy win for the pound for pound king. But as the match gets closer, issues day by day are also getting bigger, hotter and more exciting. Rumor has it it could be a hard fight nor even a bias fight for Pacman to win this series due to the gathering of mafia’s in the stadium in Las Vegas Nevada where the big event would be held. Since according to some sources if Pacman would win the lives of the judges could be threaten where there would be some death threats nor could in danger after the big event.

But some also says its just a bad day for Pacman to win this match since Manny Pacquiao will lose every 15th cycle of his career, meaning the 16th time that he step into the boxing ring, he will lose the fight. Where its kind of true since every time he would step 16th time in the ring he would lose, for example with the match he lost against a native Filipino Rustico Torrecampo in Mandaluyong and again the 15th cycle continues also with Thailander Medgoen Singsurat on September 17, 1999 and again the cycle continues when he faces Erik Morales on March 19, 2005 at Las Vegas and again he lost.


Now we all know when Pacman faces Juan Manuel Marquez it was a close fight, and we all know Pacman was really hard up in taking up some jabs in order to gain a point but actually it’s the start of his cycle where after that match he would lose to the next contender who would face him in the ring. And now that he has a new opponent whose name is Timothy Bradley some people believe that he would lose this time since the 15th cycle has ended and the curse nor the bad luck would be working its charm just to let the pound for pound king lose his fight against Timothy Bradley.© 2012

And from the start of round 1 Timothy Bradley urgently tries to knock out punch the pound for pound king and some of his shots were taken hard by the champ. But through the endurance and training that the Filipino pride Manny Pacquiao has undergone all the punches that he has intaken were just a mild punch. Since all the other competitors that he had face were as much as bigger, more powerful and really knows how to punch and knows how to locate where they should hit Pacman. Now from round 1 and round 2 Timothy Bradley shows his lightning speed walk and punches to the fans and gives heavy punches and some jabs that he thought could be his streak that Pacquiao could never get his momentum.© 2012

But as round 3 started Manny Pacquiao was the one who owned that round and surprises Bradley through his one two punch combos. And through that round it was all Pacman moment. Since every round continues Timothy Bradley moves slower hits slower and also cannot strike back with a heavy punch since a lot of spectators saw that Pacquiao has caused a big damage which was the turning point of the fight that all people wanted to see. Since a lot of fans are voting for Pacman to win this fight. And as the champ reign, his punches grew stronger, faster and heavier that Timothy Bradley could only do is defend himself not to be TKO by the champion himself. The fans went wild and the more they went wild cheering for him the more punches Pacquiao throw heavier at him. His punches were like meteor showers pouring out from space that when it lands at a certain target the impact would be really bad.© 2012

And that’s not all. His punches were so strong that Timothy Bradley was on the side ropes and is thinking twice if either should he move at a certain place or just simply defend himself from the punches that he would be heavily absorbing. And as Pacquiao continues to punch Bradley he moves in a timing where he can escape the champions jabs. Now he took time to do this since if he moves carelessly then there would be a big chance for Bradley to intake the big hooks that all the players had suffered from Pacquiao when they are attempting to escape from his jabs before.

Then later at the 7th round Bradley tries to catch up and even up the scores with Pacquiao but what he did not know is that the more he punches the beast of knuckles the more he would strike back with two times more painful punch. And as Bradley attempts to do his courageous punches Pacquiao strikes back a full powerful jab that Bradley should be accepting the fact the he really did made a big mistake trying to go at the same time fighting back with Manny Pacquiao.© 2012

And since that moment when Timothy Bradley knows that he could not face Pacquiao through his mega punch. He knows that he needs to do a little mind setup and that’s playing dirty tactics with the champ. His strategy was very good since every time Pacman would release a punch and Bradley knows that he would be hurt through his punches he would bear hug Pacman in order to stop the champions momentum from increasing and stop Pacman from punching him with his heavy wave of knuckles. Through this moment he saw an opportunity to fight back in a dirty way in order to attain a point and its so freaking unbelievable that the referee won’t even break the two fighters when Timothy Bradley was trying to blind the eyes of Pacman when in the sideropes during some few of the rounds.© 2012

But as Bradley continuous his dirty tactics Pacquiao saw an opening and tries to attempt his big punches to his enemy. His enemy may be strong but as long as Pacquiao is patient he can pierce the defense of his target and could possibly knock out his opponent. And that’s what his trying to do for all of the coming rounds since he wants to really knock out the undefeated desert storm at Las Vegas Nevada. It maybe hard for Pacman to do this but he is determined to do his job and simply finish his fight without any bias decisions nor even any dirty tactics involved.

Bradley tries to evade Pacquiao’s punches but as Bradley tries to counter punch the champ, it was the champ who actually would be counter fighting the contender who is trying to defeat him. It was a good blazing match from the first round until the later rounds. But all the fans know is that Pacquiao would be declared as the winner for this fight.© 2012

But at the end Timothy Bradley surprisingly won the fight and was surprise that he won. He never expected that he would be winning this match but what can we do if the business through this business could be sometimes dirty and so dangerous. Nobody knows what could happen inside or outside the ring all we know is that this two boxers knows how to negotiate with all the people around them and tries to give all the spectators a great performance. We know Pacquiao gave his best shot in defending his title belt but at the end, it feels like the judges were not satisfied with his punches that’s why it did not click for him to win this match.

We know Pacman he loves rematches and he loves fighting back causing a lot of more damage to his opponent when they mess with him. A new born era and new born Pacquiao could still fight back and may have the chance to have a rematch against Timothy Bradley at November. And this time maybe what we could expect is that he could get his title back and could possibly be the first fighter to ever break the winning streak of Timothy Bradley in the ring.© 2012

But here is the real deal. Even if Pacquiao lost his title belt he never questioned God when he lost, but instead he prayed and praise God even more for he was not injured or even that hurt not like his opponents situation. Maybe Pacquiao knows that God has other plans for him that’s why he accepted the fact that he lost this match but could gain again his title back someway somehow. Now that moment could be almost near but for now all he know is that God was with him through out his fight and showed respect and a good moral character to all the people who wants to be a boxer someday and also to the fans watching at the arena.

We may see that he could be the model of the boxing world since even if he lost matches he accepts the fact that its not his time to shine but as he waits for the right time he knows well that God may give the blessing that he truly deserves. Now that’s a fight with a true spirit. He may lose this time but maybe could turn the table around the second time, no one knows what the Pound for Pound King could do to his opponent again someday, but for now his just thankful that he was not that much hurt at all. For God was there with him all the time and every time. Was this a test for Pacquiao by God? I think the answer would be in your eyes when you saw their fight.

Since he was humble and praising only God that he had survive the 12 hard rounds of his career as a boxer. And this shows that a fighter should really have the guts and the will in believing to God for God is always watching us to do things at the right time and the right moment of our lives.

Heat Ferociously Ended The Series 101-88

Saturday, June 9, 2012

The long awaited part of the series is about to start. And as every fans watch as their favorite players were introduce here's this news that the BIG THREE would have their final match this season as a Boston Celtics team. No one still understand why but some of the players were assigned to be a free agent after this season. Now we all know #1 Chris Bosh is a big factor in the defense of the Heat team and if he still wont improve his game we all know that it would be hard for the two key players left to let this series end in a very sweet way.© 2012

And as both team starts to play, they both clash and dash to the rim just to shoot and lead their team to a lead or even a victory. And even though it was an advantage for the Heat team to get many 2nd shot opportunities the Celtics team never gives up since they are determined also to win this series even if they are on the road and does not have the advantage of an home court team to win it. Every bench players of the Boston Celtics team played with a BIG heart that encourages the the BIG THREE to keep moving on even if the scores are tied nor even if the Heat would take the lead. Now that’s the spirit that the team captain Paul Pierce wanted to see. And as seen on the game, the scores are always close to each other and everybody is hard up in making a point.© 2012

Now the big story actually here is none other than #1 Chris Bosh since he helped the Heat team to either tie the scores or even push the lead to a big one. We all know that he is a big guy with an injury in the abdomen part, but has a courageous heart and does not mind the pain that he is struggling throughout the game even if he is playing most of the minutes of the quarters. He knows how to play the game by simply being patient and being all around the sides when in need of help. He was the big factor of this game, and he outshined the two key players as well. Since all the shots he made were all big shots and were all mostly a three point shot.© 2012

As every quarter starts both team gives their best defense setup. And no one ever expected that this would be the best one since the game of both team really has a very tight defense. But no one ever stopped #31 Shane Battier since he was all around the corner and even tries to block Paul Pierce in his easy layup. He never wanted the Celtics team to lead this time that’s why his doing also his best just to defend his home court and tries his best in earning a credit to win this series as the Eastern Conference Champions. And we all know as Heat team every players on the bench or starters would really bring the fire on this game on just to be exciting just to be remembered and just to have their big moments of their lives during this season.© 2012

Whoever thought a pass between two enemy players could be possible? Well according to #15 Mario Chalmers it is possible as long as those people only concentrated on him, and as long as they both guard him one player would be open to attempt a clean shot and make a 2 or 3 point score. And its true, since after this pass was made it really did happen and none of the Celtics team could ever guard the other opposing team who tries to attempt to score since its too late for the Celtics team to regroup and find the shooter who would try to make a score. Now that’s a very tactical plan during playoffs since it could be one of the best plans or idea to punish the other team in a very good tactical way.© 2012

Now to even up the odds on 4th quarter #9 Rajon Rondo tries to carry the team with his assist making the scores closer than no one could ever expect. But through this game every opportunities that the Celtics could have would be very hard since the defense line of the Heat team were too much to be bypass by the Celtics team that’s why Rajon Rondo tries to sneak up on them and find a player which he could pass the ball and make a big shot that could suddenly change the table around and win the favor on them.© 2012

But things were about to be slowed by #3 Dwyane Wade by his jump shot that made the lead to a bigger one. And with the help also of #6 Lebron James the scores now are too much for the Celtics team to handle since when this two players made a shot all the fans know that this was the DAGGER SHOT that they all have been waiting for as a sign of the victory they wanted in order to face the underdog at the finals. It was a solid run for the Heat team and no one could every stop them from the fast breaks or even from their pick up rolls and specially on their 3 point lanes. Now this was the shining moment for the team and specially for the crowds to cheer for the advance celebration that the home court team wants.© 2012

Head Coach Doc Rivers does not like this scenario that’s why he was mad and disappointed since he cannot accept the fact the at the last quarter the Heat team dashes like a fire ball with all their shots not miss. And as the minutes lapse Doc Rivers tries to call a timeout and gives a call that could carry up his team to fight and never give up in until the final buzzer would be heard. Now the BIG THREE really did their best specially with the help of Rajon Rondo but again it was too much for them since the MIAMI THRICE and the bench players of their team all made spectacular shots that could never be chased by the Celtics Team. And as Doc Rivers did not like what’s happening now to his team he knows it’s the sign that they would not advance this season to the upcoming NBA FINALS against the Oklahoma City Thunders.© 2012

But at the end of the game the score was 101-88 thanks to the big help of #1 Chris Bosh who comes back to fight and win this series to reach the NBA finals, now Doc Rivers know that he should expect the unexpected that the BIG HEAT of their team would outshined them and clean up the mess that his team did not try to accomplish last game 6. And with a clean fight ending the game Chris Bosh was thankful that he made it this far just be on the NBA Finals.

Lebron Brings The Heat In Boston 98-73

Friday, June 8, 2012

Game 6 was the death game for the Miami Heat. And all the Boston Celtic fans celebrates for they thought it would be their advantage to win this best of 7 series versus the none fierce Miami Heat. But that was only just a hunch for all the fans watching the game to finally end at their territory. And as the game starts, just right after a few minutes the Miami Heat push on the lead, and the Heat tries to bring the hot stuff that their hands want to show to the Boston fans that it would take a long length of time before the Celtics team would be declared as the Eastern Conference Champion. At the first quarter it was all Miami Heat, every player tries to shoot and score to increase the lead by as much as 10-16 points, but Rajon Rondo disagrees and tries to give it a shot to lessen the score and make the scores closer until they could get the lead.

Rajon Rondo gave the Celtic fans hope that they could catch up at the second half giving his outstanding best in the first half of the quarter and pursuing his momentum at the second half. But that idea was about to be clash by the monster and the eagle eye of the team Lebron James who has an agonizing game of 45 points 15 rebounds and 5 assists.© 2012

It was like Lebron James all the way until the end of the quarter since half merely of the points belong to his status and many rumor has it that his like the unbelievable legendary Wilt Chamberlain that had his outstanding performance like this during his regular season. The game was always close. And the Boston Celtics team urges to push the lead into a closer one, but the Heat always response back and give them a money 3 pointer shot that makes the Celtic fans quiet. But during the half time break Doc Rivers told something about them and realizes that they need to step on it and make it possible to cut the lead to a smaller chase.© 2012

And as the 2nd half starts team captain Paul Pierce tries to cut the lead to 10 points. But Miami always answers back with a big shot on their hands too, the BIG THREE really did play like the BIG THREE but it was too much for them to finish the job this time since the MIAMI THRICE are not the only one scoring but also the bench players on their side with hot hands too. And by that moment crowds went wild not because they wanted to cheer for their Celtics team but because they want to distract the Heat Team to miss a shot and keep the momentum of the Celtics whose trying to cut the chase to a 8 deficit lead to a continuous Celtic team lead. But its really hard for them to do it for the Miami Heat gave their best in having a brick wall defense that no Celtic Team could bypass them.© 2012

And as the final quarter starts. Once again the Celtics team tries to cut the lead to a smaller one with the help of #30 Brandon Bass he wipe all the Heat players whose trying to block his way to the basket and by that moment the brick wall defense of the Miami Heat was destroyed because of the impact that Bass has given them. And the Celtic fans screams and shouts for joy for they know they still have the chance to end this series in a 4-2 deficit lead.© 2012

As the crowd goes wild Erik Spoelstra takes a timeout for he knows it’s a bad idea to continue the game when the momentum of the Celtics team was about to start so he regroup his team and tries to make a plan that again all shots should be posted on the paint and tries to foul every Celtic team who is on their way to the rim. As the referee blows his whistle #6 Lebron James & #3 Dwane Wade gave their best and showed that they need to go back home and finish this season as the Eastern Conference Champion and keeping this series tied to 3-3.


During the game hard fouls were taken by both teams. And in this picture we see Rajon Rondo down on his knee but as he pump his way and tries to stand we could see that his like doing the same thing the #5 Kevin Garnett was doing before in game 5 when he was also fouled. And everybody thought that he was hurt, but actually he was trying to show the Celtic fans that his strong and still has hope to win this series and that’s what keeps the Celtic fans alive on their seat and still cheering for their home court team.© 2012

And as Celtics tries to lessen the Heats lead, it looks like impossible for them to catch up anymore since Lebron James keeps pumping and pumping his way to the rim and gives a lot of jump shots that no Celtic team can stop his momentum in scoring. It was all down from here giving the home court fans of the Celtics team to go home, but the more their fans go the more the lead keeps going on. It was a 15 Miami ball lead on the first half and 10 Miami ball lead at the 3rd quarter. Everybody thought Paul Pierce or Ray Allen nor Kevin Garnett could turn the tables around but Lebron James was too much for them making the lead to a 20 Miami ball lead at the fourth quarter.© 2012

This game was a stumble for the BIG THREE. Since they can’t try to find a way to catch up and cut the lead to a smaller one. But then again who knows what could happen after this series, this is why there is a game 7 the BIG moment, BIG drama, and the BIG chance to be called as the Eastern Conference Champions this season. So even as the Celtic starters sits on the bench they still have what it takes to find a way and win this in a rougher way on the road at the Miami Heat home court. It may not be their advantage but it will surely be one of the best games that could be held this season for 2 big teams tries to fight for the upcoming roaring underdogs at the other side. So this game would not end that easily but is an easy win for the team Heat.© 2012

And as the last second of the final quarter ends the score was Heat vs. Celtics 98-79. It was almost a 20 point lead but here's one thing for sure. Lebron James is trying to say to the Celtic fans and the Boston Team to see them at their home court and try their best to steal their seat in the NBA FINALS.  And as the game ends in a very dissapointing moment for the team Celtics, the Miami Heat is still concentrated and not celebrating for a reason that this series is still not finish. And with a hot hands flying back home to Miami maybe they could really bring the heat back home and win as the eastern conference champs. No one could tell who will wins, its still anyone’s ball game but as for now this series is tied 3-3 and will end in a very dramatic way for both teams.

The Big Three or Miami Thrice?

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Two hot teams are playing for the 1 final spot in the eastern conference finals. And until now the battle still continues for who would be crowned as the eastern conference champion. These teams are known to be dominant in scoring, rebounding and specially in stealing the heart beats of their fans through a vigorous win all throughout the season.

With the help of the Boston Celtics piercing coach Doc Rivers they once again conquered the court with an agonizing battle against all other teams who would dare to crush their spot into the finals. Now were only talking about the BIG THREE. But what about their secret weapons? We all know the magic man of name Rajon Rondo, point guard of their teams has the most dominant hands when it comes to steals and tricks on how to bypass other teams right? Well they should be better watching him for he has a very talented hand specially when it comes on passing player by player inside and outside of the court.
Everybody knows that Boston Celtics could once again be crowned as the NBA champions but for the meantime they need to double time their efforts just to bypass these 3 and i mean BIG HOT 3 of the Miami Heat team who is headed by their coach Erik Spoelstra. Now with a young coach on their hand they know that they have good chance in turning the tables around and letting be the eastern conference champion and making believe their fans to be again the NBA FINALS CHAMPION. But it will take again both teams to their limits just to get there, since both teams knows how to penetrate through any defense line and both knows how to look for a way just score a point in a second.

Miami Heat are ready to tie the series 3-3 and even up the odds once again back home to their territory just wanting and fighting for that golden trophy that no any other team could ever have this season. And as the Oklahoma Thunders spread the news that they won versus the San Antonio Spurs well they better be not watching but instead practicing for they have a very bad situation coming through them after the clash of these both titans. Since their opponents have hot fresh and never tiring spirit that could simply wash them away to what the Oklahoma Thunders thought they could own for the very first time again this season.

And for the awaiting Oklahoma Thunders? Maybe its time to make yourself double the efforts and just don’t stop in giving up your dreams as the NBA Champs after all your one step ahead of being crowned as an NBA Champ if you could beat the Heat or the Celtics. No one can still figure out if who would be crowned as the king of kings. But one thing is for sure, they are all ready to risk everything what they have as long as they could be crowned as the champs this season.

And as we wait for the crowning moment after the last quarter and second of the game ends this may look like the best season we could every have watch since we could see both in their flaming eyes that they are desperate to own this season. We could see them crying for glory and victory for they really want it bad just to have at last the taste of victory that no other team could ever repeat this epic season. Now as the game and buzzing quarter ends lets observe, support, cheer and see what drama could happen as NBA goes BIG and I mean VERY BIG in making dreams happen into reality.

Thunders Are Western Conference Champs

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Elimination by elimination the Oklahoma City Thunders again defeat the San Antonio Spurs with a game winning series of 4-2 This would be again the first time for the old Seattle Supersonics team to be on the NBA FINALS. The OKC Thunders were recognized to be the underdogs this regular season and playoffs due to the young gun starters of the their team. They were fast, cooperative, patient and yet determine to win the NBA crown and hoping to be the NBA champion this season.

With the hot hands of Kevin Durant he push the team spirits of the fans to never lose hope even if they are down by how many points. Cause thats how a real team player knows how to control the situation and wait for the right time to change the scenario and win the epic playoffs versus the San Antonio Spurs.

This game was a really close from the start but both team tries to end this once in for all. The crowds went wild for both teams are determined to be the Western Conference Champion this playoffs. And as every quarter ends the scores gets close but this time its not only about the players who should be taking up the pick and roll strategy but simply the courage of the shooter who knows how to end this quarter with a big shot that could never be repeated again.

The San Antonio Spurs thought that they could advance to the finals that easily. But what they don't know is that a ridiculously good pass from James Harden to a cutting Russell Westbrook under the basket was the turning point of the game. Yes thats right folks the Big Brook of Oklahoma made again a very helpful score to push to the unreachable point for the team Spurs within the dieing seconds of the game.

And with the close fist held by Kevin Durant the OKC Thunder crowds knows that they got this playoffs. The fans celebrated early noticing that the San Antonio Spurs cant catch up anymore with the minute blowing for team Thunders owning the game. And as the quarter ends all audiences stood up and cheers for their home winning team for they had advance to the upcoming big NBA Playoff championship for the very first time this year and closing the western playoffs as the champions.

Shortage or Apocalypse?

Did you feel like theres something strange going on when we sleep? Just like if we sleep then suddenly wake up and there's a clock that goes ticktock until it rings? Or even a blackout that when were on our deep sleep it feels like nothing? Well thats not all, becuase here starts the new adventure that people don't expect to happen everyday. We all know that we do the same routines everyday like brushing our teeth, eating our breakfast and even taking a bath and putting up a neat clothes to wear, but through those times that we spent doing all those things theres one thing that we had not notice, and thats the enlargement of the population minute by minute.

We all think its normal to see a lot people in a certain place. But what if its not? Did we even ever imagine what could happen if one day all the supplies that we need our not enough? Well its up for you to know. But for now and as of what we could observe, I think its not the apocalypse whose gonna destroy us. But simply ourselves whose gonna destroy all of us when we can't control ourselves in increasing our counts. And if this continues for next few years? Then maybe its true that the shortage of all the things that a man needs would be fought for a critical and dangerous prize until everybody recognizes at the end point that its too late to change the world specially the time to lessen our community to even up the crisis that we are having today.

Adrian dela Cruz. Powered by Blogger.