The Big Three or Miami Thrice?

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Two hot teams are playing for the 1 final spot in the eastern conference finals. And until now the battle still continues for who would be crowned as the eastern conference champion. These teams are known to be dominant in scoring, rebounding and specially in stealing the heart beats of their fans through a vigorous win all throughout the season.

With the help of the Boston Celtics piercing coach Doc Rivers they once again conquered the court with an agonizing battle against all other teams who would dare to crush their spot into the finals. Now were only talking about the BIG THREE. But what about their secret weapons? We all know the magic man of name Rajon Rondo, point guard of their teams has the most dominant hands when it comes to steals and tricks on how to bypass other teams right? Well they should be better watching him for he has a very talented hand specially when it comes on passing player by player inside and outside of the court.
Everybody knows that Boston Celtics could once again be crowned as the NBA champions but for the meantime they need to double time their efforts just to bypass these 3 and i mean BIG HOT 3 of the Miami Heat team who is headed by their coach Erik Spoelstra. Now with a young coach on their hand they know that they have good chance in turning the tables around and letting be the eastern conference champion and making believe their fans to be again the NBA FINALS CHAMPION. But it will take again both teams to their limits just to get there, since both teams knows how to penetrate through any defense line and both knows how to look for a way just score a point in a second.

Miami Heat are ready to tie the series 3-3 and even up the odds once again back home to their territory just wanting and fighting for that golden trophy that no any other team could ever have this season. And as the Oklahoma Thunders spread the news that they won versus the San Antonio Spurs well they better be not watching but instead practicing for they have a very bad situation coming through them after the clash of these both titans. Since their opponents have hot fresh and never tiring spirit that could simply wash them away to what the Oklahoma Thunders thought they could own for the very first time again this season.

And for the awaiting Oklahoma Thunders? Maybe its time to make yourself double the efforts and just don’t stop in giving up your dreams as the NBA Champs after all your one step ahead of being crowned as an NBA Champ if you could beat the Heat or the Celtics. No one can still figure out if who would be crowned as the king of kings. But one thing is for sure, they are all ready to risk everything what they have as long as they could be crowned as the champs this season.

And as we wait for the crowning moment after the last quarter and second of the game ends this may look like the best season we could every have watch since we could see both in their flaming eyes that they are desperate to own this season. We could see them crying for glory and victory for they really want it bad just to have at last the taste of victory that no other team could ever repeat this epic season. Now as the game and buzzing quarter ends lets observe, support, cheer and see what drama could happen as NBA goes BIG and I mean VERY BIG in making dreams happen into reality.

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