Miami Heat Strikes The Oklahoma City Thunders

Friday, June 15, 2012

At last the game two of the NBA finals is about to start and the Oklahoma City Thunders are leading the series 1-0 against the Miami Heat. And all critics expect that all the home court teams could have the big chance and also the hug advantage on getting the bacon of this best of 7 series. But that was only a hunch for them since there are a lot of possibilities that a game could either turn things around for a team who would lose their momentum specially at the last quarter.© 2012

We all know #1 Chris Bosh returned after the severe injury that he has suffered past from the playoffs, but that would change later then when he finally recovered at exactly at the right time and at the right moment when they mostly needed him badly. Since no one could ever replace his spot as the brick wall of the Miami Heat.

Now we know that the team Oklahoma could even up with the Heat, but what they don’t suspect is that Lebron James and Dwyane Wade were gonna outsmart the team Thunders this game 2 by simply being aggressive at all time. And when I mean aggressive I mean totally doing their tight defense against their opponent and taking big shots and intense effort in rebounding as well.© 2012

This battle was totally intense since from the start of the first quarter all the crowds went wild expecting the team Heat to lose their confidence plus their patience which could lead them to their disaster this second game. But that was about to change, since Lebron James is expecting his other members to also do big shots and specially offensive rebounds in order to attain a big lead that would continue until the final buzzer of the last quarter

But this was nothing new to the underdog team Thunders since they always want to catch up whenever they are losing, and all the shots were expected to be made by non other than Kevin Durant who was a candidate too of being titled as the MVP but was inches away taken by #6 Lebron James of the Miami Heat.© 2012

Every team members of both team who plays on the court tries their best to outscore of even tries their best to tie up the scores and take the win this game two. Anything could happen actually as long as a players hand is hot and aggressive and also has the will to shoot a big one that could take the big lead and win this game two. Miami Heat and Oklahoma City Thunder faces for the first time at the NBA Finals.

And everybody expects a great fight. And its true, since all players did not become lazy in rebounding, stealing, assisting, and even scoring a point. Everybody was fast and also grabbing the moment to become a champion. The scores were always close to each other but that was about to change when #30 Norris Cole tries to score a point with a floater that is being tried to be ejected by #2 Thabo Sefalosha which was an outstanding defense by the team Thunders.© 2012

And as the scores are getting bad for the team Thunders to see. It was time for the outstanding young age players Like James Harden, Russell Westbrook, and Kevin Durant to play like they have never played before. And since this was their first time to go and play at the finals they spark and are trying to do their best just to cut the lead to a very close one. And as every quarter Ends these three players believe in their selves that they could still win this by simply being patient on the court in scoring a point.

And again nobody knows what could still happen since 12 minutes every quarter was still anyone's game and anyone’s moment to shine and outshine the other opponent. The crowds cheer for their home court team expecting to win this second game encouraging them and specially kicking the road team to their home court and still defeat them when the team Thunders are at the road versus the team Heat.© 2012

And as the strategy was about to be working for the team Thunders to cut the lead to a closer one #3 Dwyane Wade was about to give a dunk that surprises the team Thunders. Since the Heat could out burst at any moment and at any time, and that was done none other than the former MVP was doing right now at the third quarter trying to make the lead for the opponent to catch up into a bigger one.

Dwyane Wade brings the hot stuff to this home court team with an outstanding performance. Some reporters says that he was like coming back to the NBA finals like when he was with his former team mate The Big Shaq that whenever they are trying to lose their momentum he would be there striking and dashing at every corner just to bring back what they have lost.© 2012

The annual problem for the team Thunders is that they have to catch up 15 points against the team Heat. And as the fourth quarter starts Russell Westbrook gives a dashing fast layup that had outsmarted the Heat’s defense. Westbrook was trying to be at the same level with the Heat by simply outsmarting them and also bypassing the defenses that the team Heat are planning to give them.

And since we all know he is still trying to improve as a point guard he now faces his instincts and tries to be an aggressive point guard like the fiercely John Stockton or even Steve Nash who were now veterans of the game or even a Hall of Famer. He knows that they could still catch up as long as his team wont think negative that they would lose this round.© 2012

The scores are getting closer as the minutes would pass. But #1 Chris Bosh would not agree to that situation since he wants to win this round and take the home court advantage and wins the series as the NBA Champion. He made a BIG dunk that was powerful for the team Thunders to defend, that’s why they let him go and score a big one when they needed it the most. It was the turning point for the team Thunders since even if they do their best at the lest dying seconds of the game the brick wall Chris Bosh was their to disagree on their plans to win and take the lead this series.

He was so hot at the fourth quarter that no other guard of the opposing team could bypass his defense specially when it comes to the offensive rebounds. He attempts to do his part every time he steps on the court just for them to win this second round. Since he wants to taste for the very first time his championship ring in his basketball career.© 2012

#35 Kevin Durant was about to answer the negativity that his team mates were saying since they think that it was the time to give up and let the other team win this round. But he refuses to give up since he knows that they could still win this as long as they keep passing the final shots to him. And surprisingly all the shots were passed onto him and were all successful. His three points at the dying seconds thought was the moment for them to turn the tables around against their rival.© 2012

But I guess it was too much for them to handle this scenario. Since every Heat players played their best to defend the rim, #0 Russell Westbrook tries to make a big three but failed through the intense defense that he was bypassing against the team Heat. And again Miami Heat won this round with a score of 100-96 tying up the series 1-1. Now was the time for team Thunders to panic since the upcoming 3 games would be held the home court of the opposing team.

Now if the Thunders would not try their best in later coming rounds then the Miami Heat could possibly be the NBA Champions this 2012 series. But then again turning tables by both teams could still happen as long as a dagger shot could be attempted by either of the two. So its still anyone’s game and anyone’s crown. So for now lets watch, enjoy and dream BIG for the upcoming NBA Finals.

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