Manny Pacquiao Being Tested By God?

Sunday, June 10, 2012

We all know that Manny Pacquiao versus Timothy Bradley could be an easy win for the pound for pound king. But as the match gets closer, issues day by day are also getting bigger, hotter and more exciting. Rumor has it it could be a hard fight nor even a bias fight for Pacman to win this series due to the gathering of mafia’s in the stadium in Las Vegas Nevada where the big event would be held. Since according to some sources if Pacman would win the lives of the judges could be threaten where there would be some death threats nor could in danger after the big event.

But some also says its just a bad day for Pacman to win this match since Manny Pacquiao will lose every 15th cycle of his career, meaning the 16th time that he step into the boxing ring, he will lose the fight. Where its kind of true since every time he would step 16th time in the ring he would lose, for example with the match he lost against a native Filipino Rustico Torrecampo in Mandaluyong and again the 15th cycle continues also with Thailander Medgoen Singsurat on September 17, 1999 and again the cycle continues when he faces Erik Morales on March 19, 2005 at Las Vegas and again he lost.


Now we all know when Pacman faces Juan Manuel Marquez it was a close fight, and we all know Pacman was really hard up in taking up some jabs in order to gain a point but actually it’s the start of his cycle where after that match he would lose to the next contender who would face him in the ring. And now that he has a new opponent whose name is Timothy Bradley some people believe that he would lose this time since the 15th cycle has ended and the curse nor the bad luck would be working its charm just to let the pound for pound king lose his fight against Timothy Bradley.© 2012

And from the start of round 1 Timothy Bradley urgently tries to knock out punch the pound for pound king and some of his shots were taken hard by the champ. But through the endurance and training that the Filipino pride Manny Pacquiao has undergone all the punches that he has intaken were just a mild punch. Since all the other competitors that he had face were as much as bigger, more powerful and really knows how to punch and knows how to locate where they should hit Pacman. Now from round 1 and round 2 Timothy Bradley shows his lightning speed walk and punches to the fans and gives heavy punches and some jabs that he thought could be his streak that Pacquiao could never get his momentum.© 2012

But as round 3 started Manny Pacquiao was the one who owned that round and surprises Bradley through his one two punch combos. And through that round it was all Pacman moment. Since every round continues Timothy Bradley moves slower hits slower and also cannot strike back with a heavy punch since a lot of spectators saw that Pacquiao has caused a big damage which was the turning point of the fight that all people wanted to see. Since a lot of fans are voting for Pacman to win this fight. And as the champ reign, his punches grew stronger, faster and heavier that Timothy Bradley could only do is defend himself not to be TKO by the champion himself. The fans went wild and the more they went wild cheering for him the more punches Pacquiao throw heavier at him. His punches were like meteor showers pouring out from space that when it lands at a certain target the impact would be really bad.© 2012

And that’s not all. His punches were so strong that Timothy Bradley was on the side ropes and is thinking twice if either should he move at a certain place or just simply defend himself from the punches that he would be heavily absorbing. And as Pacquiao continues to punch Bradley he moves in a timing where he can escape the champions jabs. Now he took time to do this since if he moves carelessly then there would be a big chance for Bradley to intake the big hooks that all the players had suffered from Pacquiao when they are attempting to escape from his jabs before.

Then later at the 7th round Bradley tries to catch up and even up the scores with Pacquiao but what he did not know is that the more he punches the beast of knuckles the more he would strike back with two times more painful punch. And as Bradley attempts to do his courageous punches Pacquiao strikes back a full powerful jab that Bradley should be accepting the fact the he really did made a big mistake trying to go at the same time fighting back with Manny Pacquiao.© 2012

And since that moment when Timothy Bradley knows that he could not face Pacquiao through his mega punch. He knows that he needs to do a little mind setup and that’s playing dirty tactics with the champ. His strategy was very good since every time Pacman would release a punch and Bradley knows that he would be hurt through his punches he would bear hug Pacman in order to stop the champions momentum from increasing and stop Pacman from punching him with his heavy wave of knuckles. Through this moment he saw an opportunity to fight back in a dirty way in order to attain a point and its so freaking unbelievable that the referee won’t even break the two fighters when Timothy Bradley was trying to blind the eyes of Pacman when in the sideropes during some few of the rounds.© 2012

But as Bradley continuous his dirty tactics Pacquiao saw an opening and tries to attempt his big punches to his enemy. His enemy may be strong but as long as Pacquiao is patient he can pierce the defense of his target and could possibly knock out his opponent. And that’s what his trying to do for all of the coming rounds since he wants to really knock out the undefeated desert storm at Las Vegas Nevada. It maybe hard for Pacman to do this but he is determined to do his job and simply finish his fight without any bias decisions nor even any dirty tactics involved.

Bradley tries to evade Pacquiao’s punches but as Bradley tries to counter punch the champ, it was the champ who actually would be counter fighting the contender who is trying to defeat him. It was a good blazing match from the first round until the later rounds. But all the fans know is that Pacquiao would be declared as the winner for this fight.© 2012

But at the end Timothy Bradley surprisingly won the fight and was surprise that he won. He never expected that he would be winning this match but what can we do if the business through this business could be sometimes dirty and so dangerous. Nobody knows what could happen inside or outside the ring all we know is that this two boxers knows how to negotiate with all the people around them and tries to give all the spectators a great performance. We know Pacquiao gave his best shot in defending his title belt but at the end, it feels like the judges were not satisfied with his punches that’s why it did not click for him to win this match.

We know Pacman he loves rematches and he loves fighting back causing a lot of more damage to his opponent when they mess with him. A new born era and new born Pacquiao could still fight back and may have the chance to have a rematch against Timothy Bradley at November. And this time maybe what we could expect is that he could get his title back and could possibly be the first fighter to ever break the winning streak of Timothy Bradley in the ring.© 2012

But here is the real deal. Even if Pacquiao lost his title belt he never questioned God when he lost, but instead he prayed and praise God even more for he was not injured or even that hurt not like his opponents situation. Maybe Pacquiao knows that God has other plans for him that’s why he accepted the fact that he lost this match but could gain again his title back someway somehow. Now that moment could be almost near but for now all he know is that God was with him through out his fight and showed respect and a good moral character to all the people who wants to be a boxer someday and also to the fans watching at the arena.

We may see that he could be the model of the boxing world since even if he lost matches he accepts the fact that its not his time to shine but as he waits for the right time he knows well that God may give the blessing that he truly deserves. Now that’s a fight with a true spirit. He may lose this time but maybe could turn the table around the second time, no one knows what the Pound for Pound King could do to his opponent again someday, but for now his just thankful that he was not that much hurt at all. For God was there with him all the time and every time. Was this a test for Pacquiao by God? I think the answer would be in your eyes when you saw their fight.

Since he was humble and praising only God that he had survive the 12 hard rounds of his career as a boxer. And this shows that a fighter should really have the guts and the will in believing to God for God is always watching us to do things at the right time and the right moment of our lives.

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