Shortage or Apocalypse?

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Did you feel like theres something strange going on when we sleep? Just like if we sleep then suddenly wake up and there's a clock that goes ticktock until it rings? Or even a blackout that when were on our deep sleep it feels like nothing? Well thats not all, becuase here starts the new adventure that people don't expect to happen everyday. We all know that we do the same routines everyday like brushing our teeth, eating our breakfast and even taking a bath and putting up a neat clothes to wear, but through those times that we spent doing all those things theres one thing that we had not notice, and thats the enlargement of the population minute by minute.

We all think its normal to see a lot people in a certain place. But what if its not? Did we even ever imagine what could happen if one day all the supplies that we need our not enough? Well its up for you to know. But for now and as of what we could observe, I think its not the apocalypse whose gonna destroy us. But simply ourselves whose gonna destroy all of us when we can't control ourselves in increasing our counts. And if this continues for next few years? Then maybe its true that the shortage of all the things that a man needs would be fought for a critical and dangerous prize until everybody recognizes at the end point that its too late to change the world specially the time to lessen our community to even up the crisis that we are having today.

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